Sound Reiki: What Can Reiki Heal?

In my practice, minimum benefits clients report include a deep sense of relaxation, a sense of greater peace, and a reduction in stress and tension. Other frequently experienced benefits are a decrease in anxiety and depression, pain relief, relief from … Continue reading “Sound Reiki: What Can Reiki Heal?”

In my practice, minimum benefits clients report include a deep sense of relaxation, a sense of greater peace, and a reduction in stress and tension. Other frequently experienced benefits are a decrease in anxiety and depression, pain relief, relief from insomnia, and more restful sleep.

Cancer patients have experienced mitigation of the side effects of chemo and radiation. Clients with neurological diseases report relief from chronic pain and lessening of symptoms. For surgery patients Reiki has reduced pain and the need for pain medication, reduced bruising and swelling, and hastened recovery. Reiki has relieved the shock of mental, emotional, and physical trauma to victims of crime, violence, and war. It eases transition for the dying, and provides comfort, clarity, and peace for the grieving. No matter the condition or situation, Reiki can bring healing.

How, when, and what form the healing takes is not for the practitioner to determine. Healing is in the hands of the Higher Power and those of the recipient. As a practitioner, I connect the recipient with the healing power of Reiki energy. Because the energy is directed by the Higher Power, the outcome is always for the highest good of the recipient.

Note: Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions or prescribe treatment. Reiki is not a substitute for traditional medical or psychological care.

Factors that influence healing:

Consistent Treatment

Like any lifestyle change or commitment to health and well-being, the best results from Reiki are brought about by consistent treatment over time. It is possible for a single Reiki session to result in complete healing of an issue or condition—more commonly a series of sessions are indicated. Frequency depends upon the client and the seriousness of the condition.

Willingness and Intention

Healing is affected by the intention and willingness of the recipient and by the recipient’s faith in the ability of his/her own body to heal itself. The client must be willing to claim healing, accept it, and complete it by changing the beliefs, habits, activities, and thought patterns that created the discordant energy in the first place. This includes seeking medical or psychological treatment, if needed, and making any lifestyle changes indicated. Reiki can assist the client in releasing beliefs that interfere with healing and in making the lifestyle changes needed to complete the healing; however, it is the client’s responsibility to take the needed action. For instance, Reiki can relieve stress, but the client must make the life choices that reduce chronic stress; otherwise, he/she will continue to create the energy associated with stress.

Life Purpose

The condition may be necessary in order for the client to fulfill his/her purpose in this lifetime. The physical condition may or may not be healed, but in either case, Reiki can bring about healing on the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. It will help to reveal and integrate the lessons to be learned from the condition and to mitigate the fear, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and confusion that may accompany chronic or terminal illness.

Healing may be dramatic and immediate; it may evolve slowly after a treatment, or it may take place on a very subtle level and only be obvious if the recipient is observant and aware of slight shifts and changes. However it manifests, healing always takes place on some level, whether or not the client and/or practitioner are aware of it. And we may be confident that whatever healing takes place is the healing needed by the client at that time.

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©2009, 2013 Marianne Streich, Reiki for Living, All Rights Reserved. For re-posting permission, contact Marianne.

Marianne is a Seattle-Area Reiki teacher and practitioner. She is the author of Reiki, A Guide for the Practice of Levels I and II.  An earlier version of this post was published in the Summer 2009 issue of Reiki News Magazine. 

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