Sound Reiki: Musings on Distant Healing

If you follow my blog posts, you have probably noticed that I lean toward the practical. The following post, written by a practitioner I have had the privilege of teaching through the Master level, embraces the mystical and the mystery … Continue reading “Sound Reiki: Musings on Distant Healing”

After practicing distant healing for over a decade, it still takes me by surprise every time to see the miraculous results it produces. Now, miracle is a big word. But quite frankly, I don’t know how else to describe it.

When I see a client on a healing table in front of me and see her or his profound healing transformation taking place, there is at least something tangible to explain it away – the atmosphere of the room, human touch, sound of the voice.

But in a distant healing session all of that is absent. And yet, that same profound healing transformation occurs anyway – in a completely intangible world of thin air. Literally. My client could be miles away across the world from me, but the benefits of the session are as present as if she or he were right next to me in the same room.

The same happens when the situation is reversed and I receive distant healing as a client from other practitioners.

Some say, and I agree, that the effects of distant healing can be explained by discoveries made in the field of nonlocal reality. A lot has been written about nonlocal reality, which I believe is at the heart of it all. So I will not bore my readers by repeating what they have already heard about it.

Instead I would like to offer a glimpse of personal experience for those who are curious – what it feels like to me when I open a distant healing session.

Personal Experience

All is quiet, within and outside. I close my eyes. Nothingness. This nothingness seems empty at first, but then I realize that it is not. It is in fact full – full of unlimited potential. At first, this unlimited potential is undifferentiated, smooth and vast like an ocean. But then, right in the middle of that ocean there is a small shape of light forming, growing. Is this our shared healing space? It is safe, warm, welcoming. I can almost see you there, comfortably resting in repose, and me standing there next to you quietly. Now, other light forms appear. Benevolent, healing, guiding. Universal energy of love. We are all energy. Like the ocean, the energy flows, it breathes, envelops us. It swirls and shifts following the guidance of its own eternal wisdom for the benefit of your healing. When all is ready, the swirls of energy dissolve back into the ocean of unlimited potential. Our shared healing space slowly fades away. I say a prayer asking that the healing energy that you received would stay in your body for as long as it is needed there for the healing of everything that is ready to be healed. I offer my thanks and stand in awe before the realization of what just happened. You return to your physical awareness, as I return to mine. 

Taking a deep breath. The experience of a distant healing is unique and different each time.  And still, the sense of awe and gratitude that I feel every time share the same vibrancy. It is the gratitude to the Universe for being such a wondrous home to us, as well as the gratitude to my clients who make these experiences possible.

External Articles

Just for fun, here are some articles that I came across during my research while trying to find answers to some of my questions about non-locality and distant healing. If you have curiosity to explore it, I invite you to dive in! And if you have your own perspective on the matter, please share it. It is a fascinating topic to explore.

Frequently Asked Questions about Distant Healing – Institute of Noetic Sciences 
Distant Healing and the Human Energy Field 
The Science of Distant Healing 
How Einstein Revealed the Universe’s Strange “Nonlocality”
Non-local Universe – Reality as a Dream – Gestalt Reality
Holographic Reality of Being: The Nonlocal Universal Mind
Dr. Larry Dossey on Spiritual Healing, Nonlocality and Beef Stroganoff

I invite your comments, questions, contemplative musings. We are all here to learn about our world and about ourselves. Wishing you joyful explorations!

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©2018 Marianna Grace, Reiki Nature. All rights reserved. For reposting permission, contact Marianna Grace.

Marianne is a Seattle-Area Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner. She is the author of Reiki: A Guide for the Practice of Levels I and II and a former editor, contributor, and columnist for Reiki News Magazine. See her current class schedule.

2 thoughts on “Sound Reiki: Musings on Distant Healing”

  1. Marianne, thank you for reposting my blog. I am happy that more and more people discover and explore distant healing every day.

    1. I am as well, Marianna. It is a pleasure to witness my Level 2 students’ reactions when they realize the power of distant healing and the expanded ability it gives them to help others. I am also receiving positive feedback for the post from colleagues who have practiced Reiki and distant healing for years.

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