Sound Reiki: Reiki Needed for Baby Boomers

Emotional distress within the baby boomer generation is reflected in a sharp rise of the suicide rate among this age group. US deaths from suicide are now higher than deaths from automobile accidents, according to statistics released by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and reported … Continue reading “Sound Reiki: Reiki Needed for Baby Boomers”

Sound Reiki: Healing Reactions Aid the Healing Process

The Reiki healing process takes many forms. In addition to physical healing, the healing process may bring about realizations that can be deeply emotional for the client. It may awaken the client to the need for life-style changes. It may … Continue reading “Sound Reiki: Healing Reactions Aid the Healing Process”

Sound Reiki: Healing the Healer

As my Reiki practice has deepened and expanded, so has my own healing journey. I believe if I am to reach my fullest potential as a healer and be of greater service to those who come to me for healing, … Continue reading “Sound Reiki: Healing the Healer”

Sound Reiki: Reiki, a Way of Living

At its most simple, Reiki is a technique that quickly induces the relaxation response, a state that promotes healing and well-being. At its most profound, Reiki is a tool for spiritual transformation and a means for accomplishing physical, mental, and … Continue reading “Sound Reiki: Reiki, a Way of Living”

Sound Reiki: What Can Reiki Heal?

In my practice, minimum benefits clients report include a deep sense of relaxation, a sense of greater peace, and a reduction in stress and tension. Other frequently experienced benefits are a decrease in anxiety and depression, pain relief, relief from … Continue reading “Sound Reiki: What Can Reiki Heal?”